Thursday, April 14, 2011

NoSQL Now! looking for speakers until 4/25

NoSQL Now! is a new conference covering the dynamic field of NoSQL technologies (Not Only SQL), scheduled for:

August 23-25, 2011, San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, California

It is a vendor-neutral forum celebrating the diversity of NoSQL technologies and helping businesses develop objective evaluation processes to match the right NoSQL solutions with the required business challenge. They are now accepting speaking proposals to the extended deadline of April 25.

Topics can include
solutions and approaches that can be implemented today, by those enterprises and government organizations which have significant data management and analysis requirements and need alternative solutions to traditional SQL-based products. There is also limited space for examples of new technologies or research that customers can look forward to using within the near future. As such, start-ups and researchers should feel free to make speaking proposals for Lightning and/or Poster session. The guidelines for submitting your proposal are available HERE.

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