Friday, October 21, 2011

gogoNET LIVE! Starts November Conferences

Join leading networking experts on November 1-3 at San Jose State University for the gogoNET LIVE! 2 IPv6 conference. The theme for this year's conference is "Trials & Tribulations" with the goal of preparing attendees to do an IPv6 trial. At a high level the agenda consists of:
  • Workshops - Choose from two tracks to teach you IPv6 theory and provide lots of hands on experience.
  • IPv6 Perspectives - Hear case studies from experts with practical trialing experience.
  • Functional Steps - Learn from presentations detailing the steps necessary to do an IPv6 field trial.
This is a fairly inexpensive event: $300 conference registration fees includes three full days of workshops, case studies and presentations as well as food and drink throughout the day and lunch.

The gogoNET LIVE! 2 conference is a live version of the 50,000 member gogoNET IPv6 social network. Hands-on seats for the workshops on the first day are available on a first come, first served, basis.

The discount code "pacitpros" used to get you 25% off until Oct 15th. Try it anyway.
The discount code "lightdiscount" will get hou 20% off until Oct 25th.

.Register at:

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